
Coconut Brand Soy Sauce

Our signature product and he quintessential kitchen companion. Its rich taste and dark reddish brown color comes with quality brewing of only the finest soybeans. Coconut Brand Soy Sauce is sure to liven up any event and bring that extra flavor to your favorite "adobo" (a popular Filipino cooking method that includes vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, and pepper).

Our soy sauce is made from natural organic processes of fermentation. The soybeans are stored in vats for almost a year to let time naturally bring out its flavor and aroma. Coconut Brand Soy Sauce guarantees only the best in quality and nutrition. Coconut Soy Sauce, while a very established brand among the Chinese community, is equally well-used in Filipino households as well. Take for instance, with "adobo," whether it be chicken, pork or a combination of both-- finding the best soy sauce brand is critical and can make or break a product. Ask anyone who has used Coconut Soy Sauce and you are sure to hear praises about its pure content. Unlike the watery soy sauce most people are accustomed to using, this soy sauce has a rich thick taste which makes it excellent and at the same time economical with just a few teaspoons enough to deliver a full–flavored dish to the table.

Coconut Soy Sauce 1 Gallon

Coconut Soy Sauce 1 Gallon

An even bigger size of soy sauce is available in 1 gallon, more often used for commercial and restaurant cooking as the size is economical and will last you several months of soy sauce usage.

Coconut Soy Sauce 1/2 Gallon

Coconut Soy Sauce 1/2 Gallon

Our soy sauce also comes in a big size in 1/2 gallon to last a big family months of cooking flavorful dishes. For the family that chooses an economical size for their budget, this is the perfect choice.

Coconut Soy Sauce 1 Liter

Coconut Soy Sauce 1 Liter

The 1 liter is perfect for everyday cooking and will last you weeks of cooking your favorite dishes.

Coconut Soy Sauce 350 ml

Coconut Soy Sauce 350 ml

An even bigger size of soy sauce is available in 1 gallon, more often used for commercial and restaurant cooking as the size is economical and will last you several months of soy sauce usage.